The average house price on GLENCOE AVENUE is £61,660
The most expensive house in the street is 7 GLENCOE AVENUE with an estimated value of £92,901
The cheapest house in the street is 6 GLENCOE AVENUE with an estimated value of £37,067
The house which was most recently sold was 7 GLENCOE AVENUE, this sold on 12 May 2008 for £58,000
The postcode for GLENCOE AVENUE is HU3 6HL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 GLENCOE AVENUE Terraced £55,278 £26,250 12 Mar 2004
2 GLENCOE AVENUE Terraced £55,278 £26,250 12 Mar 2004
3 GLENCOE AVENUE Terraced £70,636 £40,000 27 Apr 2006
4 GLENCOE AVENUE Terraced £50,540 £24,000 25 Mar 2004
5 GLENCOE AVENUE Terraced £84,715 £53,000 29 Jun 2007
6 GLENCOE AVENUE Terraced £37,067 £18,000 16 Apr 2004
7 GLENCOE AVENUE Terraced £92,901 £58,000 12 May 2008
8 GLENCOE AVENUE Terraced £46,872 £25,000 1 Apr 2005